Reset orcladmin password

Changing/Resetting passwords for orcladmin,ias_admin super users.

Note: orcladmin and ias_admin users share the same password, initially.

1. If you remember ias_admin password and want to change it.
$oidpasswd connect= reset_su_password=true
OID DB user password:
new password:
confirm password:
password set

2. If you know ias_admin password then one more method to reset:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ cn=orcladmin $ORACLE_HOME 

3. If you really forgot both ias_admin and orcladmin passwords, then
refer Documet Id: 472752.1

4. Finally,  if you forgot both ias_admin and orcladmin passwords, there's one more method to reset them.
Login sqlplus as dba.
Enter the following "execute orasso.WWSSO_OID_INTEGRATION.reset_passwd('orcladmin',null,'new password');" 
That's all. You can reset ias_admin password after this.

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