server down in the middle of hot-backup.

Today Morning, I had a very touch time with my DB.

I thought of taking hot-backup, because, number of users accessing the db will be less on morning.

I've started the hot backup.

It was going well, until the system tablespace's turn.

When the system tb is offline for hot backup, the server went down, without any hint.

Later I got to know there was a problem in UPS.

Within few minutes, the server started again. Now, my tough-time started.

Upon starting the db, I got "ORA-10873".

I've mounted the db, and checked v$backup, v$datafile views for datafile's status.

The system tablespace and it's datafiles were offline.

I issued "alter database datafile '' online"  for all the system*.dbf files. The sql went fine.

But still, status for system datafiles were showing "active" in v$backup view.

Tension mounting as I got calls from client-side about the db.

any guess....?

Referred ""

I re-issued "alter database datafile '' end backup". 

Now v$backup shows 'Not Active'.  Really sucks.

why my previous sql failed to bring back the dbf from offline ?

Change orcladmin password using OIDADMIN

1.Login to the Oracle Directory Manager
2.Unix: cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin (Should be the INFRA_HOME/bin directory)

3.Windows: Use the 10g client to connect to the ODM by giving the appropriate hostname and Port no

4.Once after loggin to the ODM
*.Click Entry Management
*.Click dc=com( or ***As per your configuration)
*.Click the next subtree dc=***(As per your configuration)
*,Click cn=Users
*.Click cn=orcladmin (under the cn=Users)
Select the properties for the orcladmin user and change the userpassword column in the properties to your new password .

5.Save your changes.
6.Cycle the OID and OC4JSECURITY in your infrastructure for the new changes to take effect.

This should work.

Creating samba share quickly

This is for those who are frustrated with creating smb share on linux-2-windows.

open /etc/samba/smb.conf file on vi editor.
put the following entry at the end of file.

path =
public = yes
writeable = yes (no, for read-only access)

That's all.

restart smbd service.

Now you can access the folders.

 SPACE MANAGEMENT :: 1. Table space usuage: ============== SELECT tablespaces.tablespace_name,          allocated.total_alloc allocated_mb, ...