Oracle Backup and Recovery scenarios


The following link contains "Oracle Disaster scenarios with possible options for db recovery".

Oracle Database Disaster and Recovery Scenarios

This purely based on my view and experience.

I kindly requests those, who has different views and options, can put their comments below.

Dear Friends,
On this new year with new dreams, new hopes, new aspirations and a desire to achieve new horizons I am stepping into a new beginning, yes its my marriage ceremony!!! With joyful heart I genially invite you and your family to grace this occasion and shower your love and blessings.
Kindly make the occasion more memorable and cheerful.
Find enclosed invitation for more details. (Treat as hard copy please).
Those who couldn't read Tamil, please click on the following link for an e-invitation.
My E-Invitation
Also in here

Sundar K

 SPACE MANAGEMENT :: 1. Table space usuage: ============== SELECT tablespaces.tablespace_name,          allocated.total_alloc allocated_mb, ...