I use this query to find out the
a) time taken to complete the request in Minutes value.
b) user name
c) request_id
d) Concurrent program name
e) start date/time
f) end date/time
select u.user_name,r.request_id,p.user_concurrent_program_name,r.actual_start_date,r.actual_completion_date,r.completion_text,
(r.actual_completion_date-r.actual_start_date)*1440 "Minutes" from
fnd_concurrent_requests r,
fnd_user u,
fnd_concurrent_programs_tl p
where u.user_id=r.requested_by
and p.concurrent_program_id=r.concurrent_program_id
and phase_code='C' /* Completed */
and request_id > 13246690 /* limit the number of rows for quick processing */
and actual_completion_date is not null
and actual_start_date is not null
and actual_start_date > sysdate-1 /* requests completed in last 24 hrs */
order by "Minutes" desc ;
Hope this will help you.
Sundar k
Sr. Apps DBA